It's a blog! It's a copy-editing forum! Also makes julienne fries!
Hmm, so as far as I know, this is the world's first copy-editing-centric blog. The only reason it's not called is because that name was taken three weeks ago by someone who made a single post complaining that copy editing is the worst job in the world, and (he asks his multitudes of readers) should he get out of the biz?
I disagree. I LOVE copy editing! So my plan is to use this blog to talk about the job I love. We'll have some pet peeves, some calls for clarity, and maybe a few rules everyone can use to make their writing better. We'll laugh, we'll cry, we'll all hate each other by the time all is said and done.
(Man, why did I have to put a mission statement in the first post? Now what if I want to use this thing to post about the awesome movie I saw last night? Do I have to get a whole 'nother blog called Crap.)
Now here's what I need to know. How do I make permalinks? How do I create a link in the post? Please send copies of "Blogspot for Dummies," stat!